52 weeks, 52 dates.
Date Night Jar - Free Download
Why do we stop dating after we get married? The romance, the butterflies, the excitement of going out, these things shouldn’t disappear. Shortly after having our second child my husband and I went to a marriage conference weekend it I have to tell you, it was fantastic. We talked about things that would not have otherwise come up and reinforced our already strong foundation. We walked away dedicated to prioritizing each other even with having a newborn and one of the ways we are doing that is through weekly date nights.
Yes, weekly.
We have a routine of one week is a date night in, the next is a date night out and we hire a sitter. After doing this for almost a year I can’t stress enough how important date nights are. Time alone with your spouse that is outside of the hours of 8-10 pm gets harder with each child so our scheduled date nights are something that we prioritize and although my husband doesn’t know it yet, our date nights are going to get a little more exciting.
Hello date night jar.
52 weeks, 52 ideas, 52 opportunities to spend time together in a different and special way plus it gives me another reason to get my craft on.
To make your own just grab a jar, I got this one from a thrift store for $.50, download and print the attachment below, and cut out the date night ideas.
So get your craft on and enjoy a little more spontaneity in your date nights.
Who knows, maybe this will relight the spark that your marriage started with.
26 Date Night Ideas at Home
Free Personality Test Link - https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test
Dance Routine Link - Learn to Salsa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQ87SOfb7Y
Magic Trick - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXR60Nsx9Mg
Would You Rather - https://improb.com/would-you-rather-questions/
26 Date Night Out Ideas
12 – Plan In Advance –
At the beginning of each month pick one plan in advance option so you have time to get a sitter and find what’s available.
14- No Planning Required Dates
Some of these are outdoor and require decent weather so they are separated into two categories to help you pick each week.