Things that last aren’t built overnight. – Rachel Hollis –

As a working Mom guilt occasionally makes its way into my mind. Sometimes extra snuggles are skipped because I know how much work I have to do for the night and every now and then I will start working before it’s even bedtime. I often ask myself if it’s worth it, if I’m skipping time with my kids I’ll never get back and evaluating how intentional I am being with my time. Whenever this happens I tell myself that I am running a successful business and there are busy seasons in my business but there are also seasons that I fully emerge myself in family time. My kids are seeing the work that I’m doing. I don’t ever say it’s stressful, I don’t ever say it’s too much, and I’m always excited every time my phone chimes because I made another sale. How you address your work reflects on your kids and you are setting an example for them to follow as working adults. Let your kids see the joy you have in your work and have them be a part of it. Your kids will see how strong and amazing you are and it will help build the foundation for them in their own adult lives.

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